Saturday 21 July 2012


Painting is not the only way to pass the time if you're into visual arts. There are  loads of different materials you can explore and use. One simple tool is the felt or fiber tip pen. Nowadays these pens are available in a bevy of colors, but I often use a simple black felt tip for my monochrome renderings. The good thing about monochrome art is that they tend to be starker in feel, more honest. If you decide to frame these artworks, they go well in any room because they are very neutral. Here are a few samples of my work with felt tips.

Saturday 14 July 2012

College Poetry

College was a very tumultuous time for me. I'm not sure if it was my age, hormones, the novelty of situation or if I was just really very angsty when I was young. Whatever the case may have been, it was a very productive time when it came to my art and writing. I would churn pages and pages of poetry and prose scribbled on several notebooks. I would spend several hours a day sitting and smoking at the fast food joint in front of the Ateneo writing. That's why it was no surprise that some of my writing found themselves written on pieces of McDonald's napkins.

Love and life was bittersweet during college, probably because I felt everything so much more deeply during that time. Most of those emotions found themselves on these pieces of paper. When I went to the U.S. I even bought a special notebook just to house these scribblings. Being the wannabe artist that I was and still am, my visual artistry also found their way onto these pages. Here are several of those selfsame pages, scanned and cleaned up with Photoshop. I hope you guys like them.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Angst - A Compendium Of Poems

For the longest time I've been using Photoshop to help me convey my messages of love and loss and happiness and life through my poetry. I'm very thankful to Photoshop for that. Still, something has to be said about actually working with your hands and creating art on paper.

Once upon a time that was my process. I actually made several pages of poetry, lettered them by hand with my felt-tip pens and even made little artworks with the selfsame pens and some colored pencils. Here I have some of those pages (retouched and tweaked of course with my handy-dandy Photoshop program).